「cantilever implant」熱門搜尋資訊

cantilever implant

「cantilever implant」文章包含有:「(PDF)Implant」、「CantileverDentalBridge:Benefits」、「Cantileverfixedprosthesesutilizingdentalimplants」、「Singleimplantrestorationswithcantilever」、「Singleimplant」、「Theuseofcantileverextensionsinpartialimplant...」、「twoadjacentorasingleimplantwithacantilever?study」、「Whatisacantileverbridgeonadentalprosthesis?」

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(PDF) Implant
(PDF) Implant


The present review summarises the level of evidence for the use of fixed dental prostheses with cantilever extensions both in the posterior and ...

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Cantilever Dental Bridge: Benefits
Cantilever Dental Bridge: Benefits


Cantilever bridges that use an implant for support can have very good success rates. A 2010 study found a 5-year success rate of 94.3 ...

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Cantilever fixed prostheses utilizing dental implants
Cantilever fixed prostheses utilizing dental implants


Objective: The dental literature has been unclear about long-term success of fixed cantilever prostheses supported by dental implants. The disappointing results ...

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Single implant restorations with cantilever
Single implant restorations with cantilever


There are indications where a cantilever will serve effectively. Assuming the implant is of sufficient width and length viable cantilever's can be fabricated as ...

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Single implant
Single implant


Single implant-supported fixed partial dentures with a mesial or distal cantilever can be a predictable treatment option in the posterior region ...

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The use of cantilever extensions in partial implant ...
The use of cantilever extensions in partial implant ...


The use of cantilever extensions as an alternative treatment option has been proposed to reduce the number of implants placed.

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two adjacent or a single implant with a cantilever? study
two adjacent or a single implant with a cantilever? study


The placement of a single implant with a cantilever may have advantages such as less patient morbidity, a shorter treatment time, and lower cost. This approach.

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What is a cantilever bridge on a dental prosthesis?
What is a cantilever bridge on a dental prosthesis?


In other words, it is a part of the prosthesis that extends beyond the last tooth or implant that provides support. Cantilevers are commonly ...